Red Necked Wallabies in Scotland
Red Necked Wallabies in Scotland
A wallaby on Inchconnachan island, Loch Lomond
Red necked wallabies
At the last count there were 41 wallabies on Inchconnachan island on Loch Lomond. From time to time a wallaby may escape to the mainland if the loch freezes in winter.
Red-necked wallabies
Wallabies go Walkabout
24 th July 1999
Dog's Zoo Rampage
30 th January 2001
Wandering wallabies take shore leave
22 nd August 2002
Motorists warned about escaped wallabies
22 nd August 2002
Mystery of island's hemisphere hopping guest
9 th June 2004
Wallaby Find Ignites Island Mystery
9 th June 2004
Island police caught on hop by wallaby mystery
10 th June 2004
Far from home
12 th June 2004
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