Report from George Markie
A colleague said that a friend's son was out at 5 in the morning in the same area and saw a large black cat bound across the road - so he's going to get him to fill in a report.
The other sighting at Gauldry where a colleague saw a cat happened a couple of days before this one. The witness has also provided a drawing of where the cat was seen.
George Markie
Date: June 2001 Time: 4 am
Location: back road from Wormit to Gauldry, country terrain. It is a B road running through fields.
Weather: Mid-Summer about 4am - still quite dark.
Description: Lynx like. Too large to be a domestic cat - nearer the size of a dog
(bigger than a fox)
Colour and markings: Difficult to see - it seemed totally black
Size: about the same as a mid-sized dog
Compared to a German Shepherd: smaller
Shape of head: couldn't say
Shape of ears: couldn't say
Length of body including head: 3 - 4ft
length of tail: couldn't say
Type of movement: Cat like - it pounced like a cat onto one side of the road - ran
across - and then pounced off the other side.
Distance away: 15 ft
Did the animal make any noise: no
Was the animal frightened, curious etch: Indifferent
Duration of sighting: 15 - 20 seconds
How many witnesses: Just myself
Special Observations: Once the animal pounced into the other field, I noticed it ran off towards the chicken factory at Balmerino. It pounced like a cat using its hind legs.
June 2001
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