Report from Mike Inglis and George Markie
Deer kill in tree and four sightings of large cats and near Dingwall
1999, Oct 2000, Winter 2001 and January 2002
First Sighting
Date Oct 2000
Location: Dingwall. Farmland, and pinewood, scrub and gorse.
Weather: damp, not raining.
Description: Puma like, dark mousey brown. Bigger than a fox/size of my Springer Spaniel.
Round head, pointed ears.
Body 3 ft with 18" tail curved with a ball tuft.
Distance 40 yards.
Animal seen "walking up a grass verge as if on outlook for rabbit or food of some sort."
Length of sighting: half a minute
Second Sighting
Dec 2000/ Jan 2001
Same location.
Mid Morning, snow on ground "Observed it among scrubs and bushes and came into house to get camera and binoculars. Followed tracks in snow but lost sight of it in derelict farm building
Third Sighting.
Same location. Dec 2001
Dry conditions, mid morning.
"I was at our wheelie bin and looked up the road and saw the creature move from scrub on left and across road into the woods on right which back onto our garden."
Additional Information: "I spoke to a man in the wood, he was shooting pigeons and he told me his sons had seen a very large cat when they were out with their dog. He also said he had found the carcase of a roe deer which had been stripped of choice parts but head and eyes were intact and looked fairly fresh.
1999, October 2000, Winter 2001 and January 2002

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