Beastwatch UK
Beastwatch UK aims to collate and gather as much information and evidence of exotic wildlife within the UK as possible, by collaborating with eyewitnesses, and other organizations and wildlife groups, as well as the press etc for the benefit of all. |
Reintroduction of the beaver
Scottish Natural Heritage. Consultation on the reintroducion of the European Beaver into Scotland. |
Scottish Beavers Network
A website dedicated the the reintroduction of the beaver in Scotland |
Kent Beaver Project
Kent Wildlife Trust. Information on the reintroduction of the beaver in Kent |
Reintroduction of the wolf
The Wolf Society of Great Britain. Study on the reintroducion of the wolf into Scotland. |
The UK Wolf Conservation Trust
The UK Wolf Conservation Trust aims to enhance the conservation, scientific knowledge and public awareness of Wolves and their environment |
Wolf Trust
Wolf reintroduction in Britain in the Scottish Highlands.
This site incorporates the old Wild Bite (http://www.wildbite.org.uk) and Canis Lupus Corpus (www.canis.org.uk,) |
British Wild Boar
Web pages dedicated to wild boar in Britain |
Pine Marten
Plans to re-introduce the Pine Marten in England |
Wolverine Foundation
There have been reports of wolverines in one part of Scotland. The Wolverine Foundation is an excellent site with photos, a video, and a great deal of detailed info. |
Reintroduction of the Lynx
David Hetherington, a member of Roy Dennis's team is carrying out a study of the feasiblity of reintroducing Lynx to Scotland. |