COPS will be spending Christmas searching North Ayrshire for a 'big cat' after a sighting in the area.
At around 3am on Monday, December 23, cops were called to reports of unusual noises in Aitken Place, Ardrossan.
A police spokeswoman said: "When the officers arrived, they saw an animal with a dark coat, approximately three feet tall and with yellow eyes.
"On seeing the activity the animal moved off into the undergrowth."
North Ayrshire residents are being asked to be vigilant and any sightings at all of the animal must be reported to the police.
Cops are advising anyone who may see the creature not to approach it.
Over the years there have been umerous sighting of a big black cat in Ayrshire. Some eye-witnesses have claimed it looked like a puma or panther.
Irvine Herald, 24 th December 2002

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