Report from Aron Bowers
Witness : Mr.M (veterinary client and friend)
Location : Roadside in an area called 'Troves (steading)' Just South of Elgin, Morayshire
Date: 2000
Description: Mr M approached me to speak about the "big-black" cats seen in the Elgin, and broader Morayshire area.
Described how he'd seen a 'big cat' at the Troves area roadside.
With questioning however, the cat seemed somewhat smaller than the norm. Described as c.12-14" maximum at shoulder, black colour, relatively long coat, with large black tail. The wildness of the creature suggestive of wild-feral ancestry. Hissing/snarling.
Leapt from grass-verge onto fence post, perched momentarily, then
disappeared in to nearby woods.
Adamant not a feral domestic, but size suggestive of Kellas type ancestry. He couldn't recollect whether primary guard hairs were present, or not.
CERTAINLY further North than the Advie-Kellas-Dufftown sightings and specimens, indeed, on the Elgin
town borders.
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