Black Cat seen at Glen O Shee Hospital
Black Cat seen at Glen O Shee Hospital
20 th October 1996
"On the 20 th of October 1996 approximately I was out walking the dog. It was early afternoon, probably between 2 and 2.30pm.
I normally walk towards Glen O Shee Hospital which has woods on both sides of the road.
This day I had the fright of my life as this huge all black animal came running out of the woods about 100 yards in front of me.
As it crossed the road it loolking across the road into the other woods, or it took the pathway towards Burnett Park.
Being terrified the dog and I headed for home.
I reported the sighting to the Banchory police, through Stonehaven police station who were taking all the calls.
20 th October 1996
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